First and foremost – use the correct fasteners.
We highly recommend self drilling hex head screws available at most home improvement stores. A hex bit for your drill and an extension or two make the job easier – see the pictures. If possible use a battery operated drill with a clutch that can be set to slip when the screws bottom out. Pull them up snug but that’s it; you don’t want to strip or break them off and you don’t want the washer head to start cutting into the aluminum flange..
#12 X 1 or #12 X 1 1/2 work well depending on your interior wall trim thickness. #10 screws will work also. The kind with a washer head and rubber gasket are the best although standard screws without the rubber are fine. If your walls are aluminum fastened directly to the studs, the 1″ screws should do. If you have 3/8″ plywood or something similar over the studs, you’ll probably need the longer 1 1/2″ screws.
Tip: Mark the stud locations with masking tape to make finding them easier during installations.
Cut off 2 X 4s can be taped vertically to walls to help prop up Overhead and Wall Cabinets when you’re putting them in – yes, you can actually do it yourself if you are really carefull and have your drill preloaded with a screw (and within reach when you are holding up a cabinet with the other hand!) It also helps to know exactly where the studs are before you try this – see tape suggestion above. If it’s the first time you’ve installed cabinets, you may want to enlist the help of a buddy or two, you can share the blame!
Make sure you get screws through both top and bottom flanges into every wall stud you can. Put a couple screws through the top flange first; then add some to the bottom flange. Check to make sure everything looks good, then finish running in the rest of the screws. Make SURE when installing Wall Cabinets with shelves that you run screws through those shelves into the studs. This is really important in making sure the cabinets stay where you want them. Studs are usually on 16″ centers, sometimes at 24″. Even if you do not hit a stud, a couple screws in the end (veritcal) flanges run in carefully will help. Four or five screws in an 8′ overhead ARE NOT enough! You should try to get at least 10 to 12 total directly into wall studs. Too many is just about right.
For base/bench cabinets you will find trailer walls are usually not perfectly square to the floor. This is normal – it has to do with how trailers are built. We recommend shimming under the front of the cabinet so the back of the cabinet is tight against the wall of the trailer. Just make sure the shims are under the frame dividers and ends where most of the load is supported.
One more important note: Make sure the cabinet door openings stay ‘square’ as you are running in your fasteners. If things tend to ‘pull’ out of square you may have to reposition your cabinet slightly and redo the attaching screws. Don’t be afraid to experiment – once they are in and tight against the walls you’ll have a beautiful addition to your organizing and storage efforts.
If you have any questions about this or need additional help, please feel free to call.
Size (LxWxH): 0 x 0 x 0
Weight: 0 lbs
Number of Doors: 0
Price: $1.00
To inquire about this product, please call us at 866.634.1524.